Friday, November 30, 2012

And then there was normalcy..

I've discovered a comfortable compromise between all-out tech and teaching/learning with tech.  With the beginning of second quarter, I laid out a plan to rotate daily work with our devices. I vary my "bellringers" between edmodo assignments, socrative quizzes, polleverywheres  voice recordings, old fashioned "paper" bellringers and non-graded activities like online language games, and realia.  It keeps things less robotic and routine and each application has individual benefits and reaches/appeals to different students. I still use edmodo as the vehicle to link to the other sites. It's just so direct and easy.  It's also simple to post, check work and give feedback.

Our devices are daily - just not every class and I'm finding it easier to integrate technology now.  Surprisingly, that came when I allowed myself to relax and "go back" to my style of teaching.  I just wasn't connecting with my students because I was doing TOO much technology.  Yes, Marty and others said "start slow", "ease into it" - but, I felt very strongly compelled to use the devices 24-7 - to model their effectiveness and because I felt compelled to demonstrate my commitment to the Pilot program, (oh and yes - I do love technology!!).

A big help was that our systems technicians worked their magic and now we're up and running in much less time.  That's helped immeasurably.  And finally, I moved the students' seats from groups of four to pairs of rows.  I can see all the computer screens from the back of the room at one time, yet they can still partner up to help one another while I keep more of their attention. Even though I'm feeling less than successful instituting what I perceived the Community of Learners ideals to be, I believe we've in fact become a real Community of Learners because of the bond, affection, respect and positive atmosphere we share together now that we've settled into routine and "normalcy". Come see for yourself - Room 401 - Kernersville Middle School!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Putting the Horse back in Front of the Cart..

After posting my last post, I readjusted by lesson plans narrowing the technology down to only Edmodo Bellringers.  Going forward, I'll plan the lesson based on curriculum and objectives and then decide where technology will support and strengthen the material, not visa-versa.

We had our first 1:1 Device Pilot meeting last Thursday evening at Mount Tabor (Katherine's school).  It really helped to listen to the other teachers voice how they felt there were behind teaching, how getting the technology up and running was a struggle.  Katherine hadn't gotten out her laptops since Day 1.  They praised her! - I was surprised, but because Common Core and Curriculum has got to take top priority, we're to integrate technology afterwards.

Several high points:  World Languages is doing a PBL - and even though I set out markers/paper/scissors etc.. in case they wanted to do their presentation the old fashioned way - they went right for the computers to create their presentation: Powerpoint, Glogster..

Finally, finally! I had one class that everyone got onto the internet and into Edmodo! - Day 14! (well, day 7 of A/B day).

The students have done a FANTASTIC job recording themselves and the Clear.msu dropbox is a superb app.  I can see it really being a great way to build their speaking confidence from the very beginning. I'm going to try to record questions for my 7th & 8th grade students to get them using their language.

My big job now is to get everything graded!  They gave us access to NCWise early last week.  I've set up my classes, but haven't posted any grades - that'll happen this weekend.

I think I might have finally gotten all of my permission forms back - or almost - that has been the absolute worst.  I'm not sure that could be cured, but if the District is actually going to roll out personal devices into 3700 teachers' classrooms, they'll have to find a remedy for that.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There's a fine balance to everything

Today, I taught.  Yes, I know we've been in school almost 3 full weeks now, but with my new laptops, I've not been teaching.  The recognition that I'm not connecting with my students has been coming to me over the past few days - because we're trying to work out the ins and outs of using technology to get our work done.  I feel like I'm teaching a mile wide and an inch thick! 

So, today, during 6th grade French, I taught the old fashioned way - with music, flashcards, document camera, whiteboard, note-taking, repition and Edmodo - but only to start off with - then they shut it down. I LOVED it!  (And I think the students loved it too!!)

I've got to strike a balance with technology or I'll never get anything taught - I think I'm doing technology just to do technology - and that's not the way to integrate it.

When I sit down to plan this weekend, I need to look at my old stuff and then consider how to join the two.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We're under way!

I've been posting to our District site because we're required.  It's not a chore, and if it weren't mandatory, I probably wouldn't do it - just like with this one.  I've already gotten bogged down with the day to day work that comes with teaching. 
Here's a rundown of my responsibilities:

11 classrooms 240+ students (I'm not going to stop to count), 6 preps, (5 different on one day!!) French - 3 levels, Spanish-2 levels and  1 World Language Class.

Overall, I think my students are great.  I've run into a bit of a snag with a group of 7th grade entitleds.  I've called home, tried to re-direct and forced a laptop to be closed and stay closed the rest of the period because rules weren't followed.

I've been using Edmodo a lot - I think it's going to  be great!! - I'm finding it's got some programming glitches sometimes.  And I'm finding the students like to write notes to each other like they do on Facebook.  I've cautioned them that it's offtask and that they will lose privilege if they continue.

I'm wondering if I can form the bond I create when I teach-teach versus now when I'm using the laptops as the tool.  I find myself at the background - but I'm not connecting.  Some appear bored ( and those are the ones that post about it!!)  I think I'm going to have integrate more of myself with the technology.

I've been using Powerpoint to keep the students up with what's next in the class, but it keeps me stationary.  I'm struggling to keep everyone's preps and reviews and intros on target and add Tech Facilitator responsibilities along with that - which I thoroughly love - but takes time and energy too.

Well, back to lessons - and I haven't even begun to grade papers yet!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lessons Learned

Good fortune shone on me because Friday turned out to be an excellent OVERVIEW day.  The devices were in the middle of their table groups, (the signal that they will be used that day).  After completing unfinished business, we reviewed the three signed forms (had they read the forms before signing? (answer: no))

Then, each retrieved their assigned device, and by way of a powerpoint, we examined them, and their ports and dedicated keys. We talked about their handling and care and procedures (like a new pet); "45", (closing screens to give their attention to me), "90", (re-opening),  closing the screens for off-task behavior,  and "Ask 3 Before Me", (thanks peers in our Device Pilot group! - great advice.)

Not turning on the devices was the best way to deliver the lesson. By telling them upfront that we wouldn't turn on their devices, (collective "awwww"), we focused on laying the groundrules and learning about their devices instead "can we turn them on now? .. now? .. now?!"

It is really difficult not just putting the devices into my students' hands and beginning our first learning unit.  I'm struggling juggling content with laying a strong classroom management foundation.  I know from experience we've got to do that first, but my goodness, I'm itching to get INTO using the devices.

This weekend, I will put the finishing touches on my first unit lessons plans, (6 preps - whew!!) Following our Essential Standards and FL Pacing Guide, (thanks, Ms Baldwin/FL Peers), I've been investigating which technology will best lend itself to learning the required objectives.  I'll create Symbaloos for links. I'll also review a new link offered by one of my Twitter peeps,  ut, mostly, I'll enjoy Labor Day weekend; the time dedicated to honor the contributions all of us have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our great country.  Go USA!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1. 179 more...

Day 1.  179 more to go..

1st days always wear me out - and the students too!

Great 1st day though.  I used my Glogster Introduction, which implemented Google Docs, my website, Animoto, Tagxedo, and Voki.  After I passed out the 1:1 Device Pilot form and the Laptop Rules for the Classroom for parent/student signature. I talked a bit about what we're getting this year.  As part of the explanation I told my students that we going to use the laptops to learn - just like I used it to introduce the beginning of the year policies and procedures - as a tool, not a toy.

As an icebreaker, I bought a 30 piece puzzle and had the students come up and build the puzzle demonstrating the "each student is a piece". The puzzle was the picture of a  "Community" (clever, don't you think). After I got them to identify the community theme, we talked about our classroom being a community of learners and how we needed everyone in order to complete the puzzle; that without all the pieces, the picture wasn't done.  We also had extra pieces, so I asked who also might help our community of learners; Administration, Media Coordinator, parents, other teachers were suggestions offered.  We talked in one class how it took longer to complete as a group than doing it on your own, because everyone had opinions and ideas about where things should go, but that ultimately it all came together because we cooperated, took turns and were patient.

I ran out of time in most classes. I feel I barely scratched the surface. Once I began to go over things, I'd remember something else I wanted to cover. I need to take a lesson away myself from today's classes - I've got to remember to pace myself and lay my own puzzle pieces of how things are done in our classroom completely and carefully so that a successful community of learners emerges.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Open House Last Night...

We had Open House last night at the Middle School level. Once I started sharing about our Mobile Learning Community, it became "real". As I talked with parents about differentiated assignments, working in groups to complete tasks using authentic resources with the technology our students are already using as tools not just "toys" and how it will offer them better career opportunities, I felt the project begin to grow legs.  I explained how our District was looking forward to integrating students' devices to help them learn, how we were going to be "guinea pigs", (my students liked this), beginning the process.  I explained how I thought our class would look, and how we would have visitors; that we'd be blogging so others would be able to follow. The parents were very impressed and pleased to hear about the technology - let's face it, when was the last time they were told, "look, we have state of art technology in the classroom that your child will be using daily to learn"?